
Editing and Translating

Richard Daly has translated and/or edited numerous articles, book chapters, manuals and manuscripts for Scandinavian writers. These have ranged over many fields such as sociology, pedagogy, social anthropology, journalism, physiotherapy, mathematics, political science, botanical history, the history of prostitution, library science, lesbian desire, polar history and the future of fresh water on earth. A few of the book-length manuscripts translated:


2000      Arild Stubhaug. Niels Henrik Abel and his Times: Called Too Soon by Flames Afar. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag (580 pp). (1996. Et foranskutt lyn: Niels Henrik Abel og hans tid. Oslo: Aschehoug).


2002      Arild Stubhaug. The Mathematician Sophus Lie: It Was the Audacity of my Thinking. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag (555 pp). (2000. Det var min tankers djervhet-Mathematikeren Sophus Lie. Oslo: Aschehoug.).


2004      Nils Johan Ringdal. Love For Sale. New York: Grove Press (435 pp). (1997, 2004. Verdens vanskeligste yrke. De prostituertes verdenshistorie. Oslo: Cappelen forlag).


2006      Liv Mjelde. The Magical Properties of Workshop Learning. Berne: Peter Lang Press (230 pp). (2002. Yrkenes pedagogikk. Fra arbeid til læring, fra læring til arbeid. Oslo: Yrkeslitteratur.


2011       Francis Sejersted. English translation: 2011. The Age of Social Democracy: Sweden and Norway in the Twentieth Century. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. (2005. Sosialdemokratiets tidsalder. Norge og Sverige i det  20. Århundre. Oslo: Pax forlag [612 pp]).


2006      Tor Borch Sannes. Fram. (Fram. 1989. Oslo: Norsk Maritimt forlag [308] pp).


2012       Terje Tvedt. A Journey in Water. London: Taurus. (En reise i vannets fremtid. Oslo: Kagge forlag [172 pp]).